DCU vox pox
We filmed quite a few interviews in Dublin City University (DCU) and got very good answers. Myself, Jordan and Jamie all went to DCU one of the days after college and we set up the camera and boom microphone in front of the DCU sign at the entrance of the college.
We had all of our questions already wrote out and ready to be asked by Jamie who was the interviewer. The questions that we had written out for us to ask every interviewer was:
- Name/age/where there from
- Did you previously attend a religious school
- Do you consider yourself religious and why
- Do you think that it is okay for a parent to indoctrinate their kids into religion before they are of age
These are the main questions that we would ask each person but their answers would lead into more.
The first two girls that we interviewed in DCU we shot outside of the canteen and these two girls were very good interviewees as they were open and truthful.
The rest of the people that we interviewed was shot in front of the DCU sign at the entrance, we would ask people if they would mind if we interviewed them for a project for college and if they said yes we would explain to them what our documentary was about and ask them to stand in front of the sign and we would ask them our questions. That particular day it was me that was in control of the boom microphone, Jamie was asking the questions and Jordan was behind the camera.
We got some great answers from our interviewees in DCU and it was very successful. Although at the end it did get a bit windy so it affected our microphone a bit but it turned out okay in the end.
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