

Group name: Fantastic Four

Group members:Bunch of Weapons 

Image may contain: Katie Persson, smiling, standing, sky, bridge, outdoor and waterImage may contain: 2 people, people smiling, drink and indoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and shoes

Katie Persson                                  Ciaran Daniels                           Jordan Dempsey

Image result for blank facebook profile pictureImage may contain: Jamie Gannon
Sean Keely                                 Jamie Gannon

We are all students in TUD Blanchardstown’s campus. We are in second year of creative digital media. This blog has been made for our second-year project. This blog will have all our work we will do throughout the year and have details about our group project.

Our theme for the project this year is identity.
Image result for identity

For the first semester we will planning out our project:
1.       We will first by getting inspiration for our ideas for the group project.
2.       Then we will combine our ideas and brainstorm together
3.       We will pick an idea that has to do with identity.
4.       We will then start to pick our medium for the project.
5.       We will make a presentation for our project idea
6.       Then we will make a prototype for our project

7.       Then we will make a group project book.


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