Atheist Ireland

Atheist Ireland

Atheist Ireland is an Irish advocacy group. They promote atheism and an ethical, secular society where the State does not support or finance or give special treatment to any Religion.

This links in with our group project work as this organisation is trying to get rid of Religion in all schools and make it optional. I found this organisation online and their website is very helpful :

Image result for atheist ireland

Every month they carry out several activities as part of their ‘various campaigns’ In this they include publishing 
·      Articles
·      Lobbying
·      Organising events
·      Attending debates
·      Media interviews

Their priority is to challenge religious discrimination in the Irish education system and Constitution. This includes promoting human rights standards in Irish Law.  

Atheist Ireland have helped Ireland to normalise the use of the word ‘atheism’ in public. They have brought the human rights of freedom of religion or belief, freedom from discrimination and equality before the law to the centre of dialogue about secularism in Ireland.

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