


·         Parent with a child in primary school/was in primary school.
Location of this interviewee: in their house

·        Primary school teacher
Location: in a class room.

·        Primary school student
     Location: empty lecture theatre/at home.

·        Priest
    Location: in a church/near one.

·        Current primary school student
   Location: prayer room.

·        Elderly man/woman

    Location: in their home- living room

·        Random person
·        Atheist Ireland/opt out

Possible Questions:

·        Name/age
·        Do you consider yourself religious
·        Were you religious
·        Do you feel as if Religion was pushed on you
·        What do you think of Religion nowadays?
·        Do you think Religion in primary school should have been optional?
·        Should Religion and education be separate?
·        Did you feel you were fully educated about the decision you were making at the time
·        Do you think religion in school is a good thing

Style of documentary:

Poetic style

Our approach:

We wish to interview several different people -as listed above, and ask about their thoughts on Religion.

We want to ask different people, from young to elderly, priest to primary school teacher and gather all of the information and answers they give is to conclude a decision on whether Religion in Irish schools should be compulsory or not.

We want to know about their previous experiences with Religion and what they think about it in general. This will help us to conduct our final piece.


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